M&E Building Compliance

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Social Value

As a growing company we directly employ approximately 250 employees across the UK, our service as a business goes beyond just statutory compliance. Our social value is important to us, and this is something we review, re-evaluate and reinvent in the ever changing industry climate.

In our mission statement :

  “….We recognise our responsibility to the health, safety and well-being of our staff and the public. We strive to grow our business with integrity by contributing to the communities we serve while being socially and environmentally conscious.”

This not only serves as our promise to our clients, it serves as a reminder to ourselves to always be a socially responsible company, anyway possible. To be a company that gives back through serving our business purpose, by enriching our community, sourcing sustainably and supporting our staff all over the UK, in their personal and professional growth.

We focus on customers' needs by meeting and exceeding them with a view to streamlining services, saving time on management, administration and reporting. In the past years we have developed and improved client specific dashboards and portals, which offer effective time and resource management. This would also contribute towards our carbon reduction goals by reducing traveling time, distance and number of unnecessary visits to clients’ sites.

We have set an objective to reduce our carbon foot print by reducing our energy consumption through:

Installing more efficient lighting and motion sensors within our own offices
Researching sustainable energy and heating sources
Turning off equipment that is not in use
Using alternative fuel technologies for our vehicles where possible
Reducing our consumption of consumables such as paper
Where possible recycling waste instead of sending it to landfill
Utilising local engineers to avoid them driving long distances to jobs

We focus on our staff’s development as we believe our staff are one of our greatest assets. So alongside standard professional accreditations required to carry out our core services, managers also carry out annual development appraisals. This is to ensure that our employees grow in both job-related skills as well as personal development. Training could include an apprenticeship, course of study or activity where it is beneficial to JCW and for the growth of the individual. JCW may contribute to these by; cost contribution toward course, material and exams etc. as well as allow employees study leave.

We focus on our community by making a positive contribution to social progression. We recognise that our activities have a wider impact on the local community, so we encourage and promote participation in projects or other schemes that may improve the well-being of the local community. Last year we were lucky to support staff fund raiser for a local hospice.

We also support local companies in business activities as far as commercially and practically possible. In January of this year we opened our fire alarm training centre. This facility has been built to train engineers and apprentices, although this year we have had to limit training to our own employees due to COVID restrictions. It is JCW’s intention to offer these facilities to colleges and the long-term unemployed to give them the basic knowledge by allowing them to retrain.

JCW has a policy to invest in its people, its customers, suppliers and environment for the good of the wider community, this investment is an on-going duty of ours.

Searching for a new career? Check in with us today.

Searching for a new building services provider? Have a look at what our existing customers have to say about us here.